Matthew Taylor

Lord Matthew Taylor

Lord Matthew Taylor has advised successive governments on planning and housing policy for over a decade. In 2006-8 he conducted the planning and housing policy review “Living Working Countryside’, which laid many of the foundations for the Government’s National Planning Policy Framework and Neighbourhood Planning.

In 2011-12 he was asked to lead the Government review of all the planning practice guidance sitting behind the NPPF. This led to his creating the National Planning Practice Guidance suite, replacing al the pre-existing government guidance.

In 2015 he developed the ‘Garden Village’ proposal, which was adopted by the Government as national policy at the March 2016 Budget. Matthew Taylor advises a number of Garden Village and Towns projects, including Chairing the Carclaze Garden Village scheme in Cornwall.

He continues to advise Government. Homes England and local authorities, and runs his own consultancy business. Former chair of the National Housing Federation, he is now President of the National Association of Local Councils. Matthew is an Honorary Member of the RTPI, Visiting Professor of Planning at Plymouth University, and Senior Visiting Fellow at Cambridge University’s School of Planning