Hashi Mohamed

Barrister, broadcaster and published author, Landmark Chambers

Hashi Mohamed is a barrister, a broadcaster and a published author.

In 2010, he joined The Honourable Society of Lincoln’s Inn and completed his barrister training in London in 2012. Hashi practices in public law with his main area of focus being Planning & Environmental law. He represents clients from across the country, including individuals, small businesses, housebuilders, local action groups and local authorities.

Hashi presents documentaries on BBC Radio 4, most recently on planning, politics and housing; 20 years since the inquiry into the murder of Stephen Lawrence, and on access to the top professions.

Hashi writes regularly in various newspaper publications, including The Times, The Guardian, Tortoise Magazine and Prospect Magazine.

Hashi's book on social mobility in Britain, People Like Us, What it Takes to Make it in Modern Britain was released in January 2020, and was BBC Radio 4 Book of the Week .

Hashi's second book, A Home of One's Own, focusing on the housing crisis and what we need to do about it, came out in September 2022.