SIG 360 and the Digital Build

SIG SupplyChain
BIM, Digital Construction, Modernisation and Data Management are just a few things our customers are tackling right now. Add to this the Hackett review of Building Regulations and the Letwin review it’s clear too conclude the construction industry has a few ‘spinning plates’.


SIG360 Technical Centre has been working with customers for over 2 years on the supply chain's role in the digitalisation of the build process and it’s fair to say there are a number of differing views on what this means.

One thing in common is the desire to collaborate with the supply chain through web based platforms, making product selection decisions clearer with much more empirical information relating to the build.

Energy Efficiency and Well-being is at the core of the SIG360 Technical Centre expertise so using digital platforms to provide impartial product selection has been relatively straight forward for the team to put in place.  In simple terms don’t struggle with these new agendas, speak to the team that knows.

SIG SupplyChain
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SIG 360

Signet House
17 Europa View, Sheffield Business Park
United Kingdom