Draft PPS3 & Planning-gain Supplement Conference

Housebuilder Media’s Draft PPS3 & Planning Gain Supplement (PGS) conference and workshop day brought together developers and government officials to discuss the content and implications of upcoming legislation. The event gave some of the top players in the industry the opportunity to express their concerns to high-ranking government officials such as the Treasury’s head of property tax, Jeremy Pocklington and the ODPM’s branch head of planning for housing policy, Jeni Fender.

"orkshops such as “Managing Delivery & Development” and “Is the PGS a workable tax” provided a forum for an open and frank dialogue between the government and the industry. This was a valuable opportunity to give feedback on PPS3 and the PGS and influence the content of the final documents.

The conference agenda gave housebuilders the opportunity to gain a clearer idea of what the new legislation will contain from those integral to its development and to learn more about the impact it will have on their businesses.

The morning session focussed on the draft PPS3 document with presentations from Jeni Fender, Andrew Whitaker, head of planning at the HBF, and local planner Dave Wood. Fender said: “In PPS3 we wanted to reflect the new planning system and its flexibilities in the new guidance. And to give local authorities the flexibility to decide where they need affordable housing.”

In the afternoon the delegation heard from Jeremy Pocklington, Wyndham Thomas, ex HBF chairman, and John Stewart, HBF’s director of economic affairs, on the subject of the proposed PGS. Pocklingon said: “The PGS is fair because it is proportionate to the land value gain and necessary to spread housing and tackle obstacles to growth.” He added: “PGS will be a modest rate and one that is lower than previous development taxes.”


Ramada Hotel & Resort, Birmingham, Walmley

